ELO # 38 - "You and Me": Who is it?
Wednesday 2 February 2011
There are thousands of songs recorded by unknown persons on very small labels, very little circulation, never reprinted, and whose performers are gone, probably to other professions ... A website, that of Sir shambling , identifying a packet.
It became the specialty of some record companies to discover and disseminate it in any compilation, especially the record label Numero Group. Among these songs, one of them has ended up on a CD entitled Eccentric Soul: The Prix Label , it is You and Me, an obscure group called Penny and The Quarters who never did anything other, which we do not know who Penny is, nor what happened to them.
Then this song was chosen by Derek Cianfrance, the film's Blue Valentine with Ryan Gosling, Michelle Williams, John Doman, to play an important role. So, all fans of the film, nominated for Oscars, are rushing to buy on the internet and the song full of gold coins that relates the record company must keep aside in case the authors show one day!
The investigation is ongoing. For now they have not found, but this song is now also visible on a page youtube, someone has just said that it was his father who sings! To be continued ...
-------------------------------------------- An hour with Stevie Wonder in 1980, filmed by the BBC on tour at the time where he is fighting for the anniversary of Martin Luther King national holiday becomes, what will get:
Dusty Springfield the cons apartheid in South Africa in 1964:
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