Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cell Respirationanswers Lab

ELO # 41 - Danchin, Jody and other

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Not much this week, apart from the long and fascinating interview with Sebastian Danchin : 20danchin.htm
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You may remember the epic I told Jody in Sine Hebdo. I titled "Jody is dead" when speaking of Marvin Sease. But Jody was already dead in 2000 with the death of Johnnie Taylor. Even in 1984 with that of Geater Davis , performer, here Is not Worried About Jody ...

------------------------------------ A musical, You, me, other , Audrey Estrougo with Leila Bekhti, Benjamin Siksou, Cecile Cassel, was released on February 23:

Gab has a quiet life: a bride, a marriage preparation, a wealthy family. Leila does not allow itself to live his own: studying law, an unruly little brother, a mother left too early ... So when Gab reverses the younger brother of Leila, the clash of worlds and the beginning of a great love story that will collide violently with reality. Tina, the closest confidante of Leila is undocumented, under threat of deportation and is arrested. As the world collapses Leila, Gab is anything to it, even to oppose his father, police commissioner. And who said that nothing was impossible until we have the love ...?
Another film, Jokes aside - a quest Palestinian humor, Vanessa Rousselot, will be screened at the Institut du Monde Arabe Thursday, February 24 at 18.30 Thursdays as part of the IMA. Admission is free:

The screening will be followed by a discussion with Plantu and Vanessa Rousselot, back from the West Bank, led by Souâd Belhaddad. In addition to being the designer of Le Monde, Plantu is also the founder of Cartooning for peace and a great connoisseur of humor for cartoonists Palestinians.

Some excerpts here:
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Suite Case Denis Robert a lengthy interview with fairly rich in the Nouvel Observateur: 20110215.OBS8084/exclusif-denis-robert-ce-qu-ils-ont-fait-est-trop-degueulasse.html
And another on the radio, in Mermet: .org/article.php3? id_article = 2111
Didier Porte : video/xh3dpz_porte-ces-ump-fleurent-bon-le-terroir_news
--- OK, I read the first issue of Zélium . Finally, I tried. That may be a startup problem, but I quickly fell from the hands. Its super heavy to read is long, it's not funny ... In addition, there is no shortage of good month (especially QED Fakir ). We lack a good weekly, but we need make our grief ...


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