Thursday, December 9, 2010

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ELO # 30 - vs. Sine. Charlie

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Finally a good reason to buy the next issue of Charlie Hebdo! And with 40,000 Euros, Sine Will it revive Sine Hebdo?!
Minutes Sine / Charlie Hebdo: Sine Wins New battle .

Charlie Hebdo is convicted by the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Paris pay damages to the cartoonist Sine. The newspaper must also publish in A, a court statement.

Reminder: July 2, 2008 Charlie Hebdo published a chronicle of Sine or it castigated the arrival of Jean Sarkozy. On July 16 the designer he learned in Charlie Hebdo was returned.

The court finds the termination of contract between the designer for 16 years at the paper, abuse.

On the grounds that "it can be argued that the terms of the chronic Sine are anti-Semitic or that it made a mistake by writing" Especially, the ruling continues that it was subject to Replay of the publication director, Philippe Val, in this case. No fault can be attributed to Sine repeatedly stresses the trial. The court also accused Charlie Hebdo lack of notice and "how to tell an employee that the contract between the two parties ceased" (letter breakup occurred well after the announcement of the end of the collaboration Siné, in the newspaper).

rotary editions are ordered to pay 40,000 euros in damages to the artist, and published a journal on a strip of 15 cm after the press court 30 November 2010, the Tribunal de Grande Instance in Paris ordered the company Rotary Publishing, publisher of the journal Charlie Hebdo, to pay Mr. Maurice Sinet Sine said the sum of 40,000 euros in damages for breach abuse of their collaboration after the publication of the Chronicle of Sine in the issue of July 2, 2008 "and under penalty of 2000 euros per issue non-compliant.

The designer who, following his dismissal of Charlie Hebdo, was launched Sine Hebdo (86 issues) wins a new battle. No doubt the next area on the internet ( ) will be an opportunity give its views on this adventure.
Two opportunities in one: find a great bookstore and meet top analysts socio-political moment:

Thursday, December 16 at 19:30
Bookstore Monte-in-air
2 rue de la Mare - 71 rue de Menilmontant, Paris 20th

Screening of "Words are important," directed by Frederic De Carlo Pierre Tevanian and Sylvie Tissot.

Debate with Sébastien Fontenelle, Pierre Tevanian and Sylvie Tissot , about their respective books: "Not even funny. Philippe Val, Charlie Hebdo to Sarkozy" and "Words are important. 2000/2010", both published by Editions Libertalia.
The concert not to miss: December 14 at Bataclan Casey, the best French rapper in the world!

few interviews:
http:/ /

And the song At the glory of my mucus

-------------------------- I do not believe in god, but if the rumor is confirmed that Aretha Franklin suffering from pancreatic cancer, then the most beautiful voice alive on earth will soon be quiet forever, and it deserves to sing with her a Little Prayer as she did so in early 1970 : / I00006291/


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