ELO - France fascist
Thursday, November 11, 2010
was known Cheikh Lo through Youssou N'Dour, or the piece Sama Kani Xeen in the film The Discalced :
http: / / www.tv5.org/TV5Site/mk2/afrique.php?extrait=4
His old albums ( DO Thiass example) are very difficult to obtain. But while his new album comes out (Jammer), it can not be in concert in France because customs refuses visas to musicians , a problem which has already been mentioned here ...
Is it for security reasons? France is wary Does this ode to Thomas Sankara he wrote? Or maybe she's afraid that this music is likely to infect our brains instead of that of Mireille Mathieu, especially when he returned to James Brown?
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A nice quote from Nina Simone :
"In my case, an honest duty is to reflect the zeitgeist. I think this is true of painters, sculptors, poets, musicians. In my case, it is their choice, but I 'I chose to reflect the times and situations where I am. To me it is a duty. " In
VO: "An honest duty as far as I'm Concerned Is To Reflect The Times. I Think That This Is true of Painters, Sculptors, poets, musicians. As Far As I'm Concerned it's Their choice, I aim Reflect thing to The Times and The Situation in Which I find myself in. That to me is my duty. " Nina Simone
Sarkozy versus Gypsy , music and pictures: http://www
.youtube.com / watch? v = sT4aQNpdTOc
From Montreal Piano for Open Skies of Stefan Christoff
Of Montreal always, an extract of rap concert engaged with Obsession, Nomadic Massive , The Invincible and Narcicyst:
A small Janis Joplin for the road:
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v = FVpDOIPx_sY
Two new Didier Porte :
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xffyz1_didier-porte -against-the-Bogdanov-and-stone-sled-si_news
And Nicolas Bedos :
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