Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Racism cold * ** French state
DROR The Quack On June 16, Eric Woerth, Minister of Labour, introduced his 'reform' pensions, an impoverished French already the poorest. The same day, the press revealed a conflict of interest between that minister and Liliane Bettencourt, one of the largest fortunes in France. The following week, two million people demonstrating against the increase programmed inequality, and another protest is planned for September. It started to heat up in earnest to the Government, it was time to divert attention ...

Why specify their age and "race"? First, let's not be hypocrites, that (among others) why they were killed. For this kind of game that cops have a hunting license, a license to kill, and even encouragement. Then because it is the state authorities who immediately generalized: July 30, Nicolas Sarkozy connects amalgam: "The French nationality shall be withdrawn at any person of foreign origin who have voluntarily impaired the life of a police officer (...) Illegal immigrants should be returned to their countries. And in this spirit that I asked the interior minister to put an end to settlements of Roma camps. " I summarize: 1) they were killed is that they were thugs and 2) they are thugs is that they are of foreign origin, 3) all the ills of France come from traditionally Arab, plus now the Roma (Gypsies, Gypsies etc..).
I would have instead identified the problem of insecurity as coming from the cops, too numerous, too, and armed with an excessive tendency to shoot everything that moves, especially if it's tanned and youthful. I demanded respect for justice, that is presumption of innocence, apology, reparations, and especially effective abolition not only theoretical the death penalty. I paid attention especially not to equate racist.
But I am not the government, and since two months, the opposite is happening. After this double murder and anger of family and friends: no apology or reparations, but to be accused and they insult the victims were chasing their brethren, they threaten retaliation. Worse yet, some one puts into effect, we raid, one expels, we generalize to cousins and even those who vaguely resemble them. Even Europeans, they expel. Besides, if their nationality is protected, it will change their nationality. If their age protects them, they punish their parents. And if the law protects them, they change the law. We create the concept of "preventive burr" killed without charge or trial evidence, facts and common sense prove popular post that they were guilty. It will add a line in the penal code, "the cops have the right to shoot suspects on sight swarthy."
For now, it is still the cops an excuse. For the Arabic (and French), Karim Boudouda, they had: he had robbed a casino. Although the death penalty no longer exists in France, even turning the rambos fired, aiming head. For the Gypsy (and French), Luigi Duquenet, it took two months to justice for "doubting" version of Constable. He could say in "self defense", or at least claim to have delivered the "use warnings" that could verify? But he must have so few neurons (except one that allows him to identify a not-d'chez us and one that allows him to pull the trigger), it was not even make scarf a story a little credibility, those whose judges are content to "take no action." Luigi was killed laterally there was no summons, he was not driving, he was not armed or wanted by the police, he presented no danger. Oh, do not worry, the chicken will not be charged with murder or even assault and injury, he will neither blame nor punishment, it will probably even promoted. The policeman who had murdered in 2008 Guerdner Joseph, a French Gypsy, 7 shots as he fled on foot, hands cuffed and ankles, has been acquitted. Hortefeux Estrosi, Lefebvre, Besson and Sarkozy will not come back either on their lies. Luigi's family, meanwhile, will receive not repair, but it may perhaps be glad that even justice "puts in doubt" that was shot for no other reason than to be gypsy ...
Gypsies and all their fellows, Manouche, Gypsy, Roma, Traveller, Andalusia in India, through Romania and Egypt, are totally foreign to this case, if not by any ancient common ancestors and that they, too, are perfectly innocent, non-violent and legal in France since Europeans came. After the English Inquisition, Nazi Germany, communism in Eastern Europe, Italian Fascism Berlusconi, Vichy France and that of Sarkozy, since 2002, they nevertheless continue to be presumed guilty from birth. They continue to occupy the media under uncertainty, even if they suffer rather than to subject. They continue to get kicked out of places where they camped, and the countries they cross.
All this to cover the widespread corruption of a government that, at the same time, carefully dismantling the welfare system. These are old recipes deadly which is given for every day in France today, today's Europe, today's world ... and tomorrow?
* In the words of Jacques Rancière:
** In the words of Marshal Petain
http://fr.wikipedia. org / wiki / R% C3% A9gime_de_Vichy
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In the same newspaper, France does not yet seem ready to repay his debt to Haiti
, still decided to leave the island wallow in misery that is cheap to operate: When
Isabel Baez The Quack October 2010
--------------------------------------------- And if , another two pieces of Solomon Burke
for solace, the well appointed What Am I Living For?
, especially Drown In My Own Tears
, Ray Charles, in a beautiful acoustic version and preceded by a long monologue ...
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